Tried out Flappy Jacks yesterday with Kristine and fuh I was full after just eating the side order of hash browns and eggs. Good thing I didnt order the porkchop and hashbrowns with the side of bacon and pancakes. I swear all that food would of fed a whole family. Overall, it was a good place to eat. They have a lot of portions, a lot of selections, and you'll definitely end up in a food coma. I swear the rest of the day I was literally sleep walking.
Wish I could of been sleeping all day just like Bully. But I probably shouldnt have let him rest, because later in the day, he was going crazy. He was jumping over the barrier, he was running down the hallway like a marathon, and he was going coo-coo tryna think he could wrestle Booger.
Anyways, he got a brand new tag and he feels well situated at home.
"mmmmm...I'm legendary anchor man, Ron Burgundy, sitting in my brand new Aqua Jet 9000
enjoying, well, my usual meal of steak, waffles, french fries, and of course scotch. Now, if you dont think this song is the greatest song ever, I will fight you, that is no lie."
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