Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Every now and then, you gotta have some one on one time with the man above. Be able to spare a couple minutes, clear your mind, and speak. Iphin pictures btw! 

Saturday, February 19, 2011

two part day

First part of the day began with both of these makulits taking over my bed. When the big one came pushing open the door, the little one comes running in and wanting to join his brother. And if you dont know who they are, the big one of course is Booger and the little one is Bully or Toby or Mister. Booger of course has been a member of the family for about 6 years now and is hitting his senior years. The little one on the other hand was brought to my family by my cousins and he is only 3 months old. My family decided to take him in for a couple of days to see if him and Booger could be close. The verdict was 50/50. There were times of jealousy, playfulness, and a lot of times just plain ignorance between one another. But overall, there was no signs of foul play, so I would say they had an OK relationship for it only being a week.

Part II

The second part of the day was spent with my girlfriend. We celebrated our 3 1/2 year anniversary today and it was a good way to end the night. I cooked for her and she baked goods for me. And we summed it up relaxing and watching a movie and Ghost Adventures and we reminisced over the past several years we've known each other. Its pretty funny that just 3 1/2 years ago, we looked like a bunch of little kids and now 3 1/2 years later, we still look like a bunch of kids to a lot of people. Just kidding! To each other, we look a lot different and it kinda shows in the two pictures above. The 1st pic was 2009 and the 2nd pic was just a few months ago for my 23rd birthday ending 2010. Fuh! I look skinny in 09 and now I put some poundage (look at my face). Anyways...great 3 1/2 years and we are still kicking and moving. 
Still till this day, I remember Kristine mentioning about her friend who said that the 7th month of a relationship is the hardest month ever and that most people wont survive. And still to this day, I laugh at that person. 

Posting this video, because Kristine was panicking over what she should give to me for today. I told her to do her own rendition of this song and out due Selena Gomez. She didnt actually go for that idea, but maybe one day she will.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

supastar night part II.

Heres a couple pics from team night or supastar night as I like to call it. We headed out to the Illest Store in Jtown to visit our good friend Yogi. And I must say, it was a fun night. We did the typical eat and hangout like what is done on every Wednesday night, but what makes it a special night is that it is spent with great company. No matter what we do, even if its spending time in the garage watching Ron (Team Pres.) unsafely weld something together or just play scrabble, it always ends up being a fun filled time. And I think the last picture says it all!

Lastly, if you dont know anything about what im talking about and you have no idea what the illest is, what team supastar is, or who the heck Yogi is or anyone from the picture above then follow these links.

supastar night.

Just got home from supastar night and its almost 1 a.m. I know I havent posted up in a minute, and thats because I've been under the weather lately. So just wanted to pre-post before I post probably later today about team night and the Laker game from last week. So good nights.

Random video, but I likes the videography.